1 Timothy 2:1-3 encourages us to pray for our leaders. We do not have to agree with our leaders to pray for them, but the bible encourages us to pray for them. Remember Romans 13:1 tells us that governing authorites were established by God. How are you praying for our next President? Are you praying for President Trump to be relected? Praying for a new President? or Praying that God's will be done, and what are your thoughts about God's will on this subject? Share with me some other scriptures on prayer and Let's discuss this very important matter for the church. We must not be afraid to share what God has put in our hearts, and we must pray for our leaders.
8 Comments on this post:
Pastor Loretta Stewart
Thank you Pastor Steed for the opportunity to share.
I do agree that we should pray for leadership. It doesn't matter whether we like or dislike, agree with or disagree. You must be in alignment with the Word of GOD. Trump is in place to accomplish the assignment according to the Word.
Apostle Hamlet Barnes Jr.
Paster Steed, I agree with God's Word. Pray for all leaders. (1 Timothy 2:1-2) Yes, I pray for our President and all our leaders. I agree with Rick Frith and Pam. Yes, I will vote to put him back in office because he has done more to advance the kingdom of God than I believe any President that has been in office has done thus far. He is Pro-life and God is Pro-life and with that being said, I have to agree with God at all times.
Alfred Deal
Pray for our leaders that we may led a quiet and peaceable life
Alfred Deal
Some of the saint have become more Republican or a Democrat instead of honoring the Fathers commandment by praying for the leadership of the country. The text from 1 Timonthy is what we should be doing regardless of how we feel, weather the person is save or lost. I understand the hesitation of some to pray for our present leadership. To pray for someone you don't like some a tremendous amount of God influence and spiritual maturity.
Rev.Roy Burroughs
In Jesus’ Name I pray for strong leadership for I country. Country! It’s seems as though anything goes these days in the church house, our neighbor’s and certainly in the White House! Therefore I stop and think before moving as not to do it my way because we can so quickly get into self! Starting even now I pray for strong and spiritual leadership in the White House and through the land in the Awesome Name of Jesus, Amen!
Rick Frith
Thank you Pastor Melvin for the opportunity to comment. As stated by Pam has President Trump been perfect, not by a long shot, but it is God who raises up and tears down. I also cringe sometimes when he speaks on certain matters ( you can tell when he goes off script, and is speaking his own words and not a speech prepared for him) but given the choices, him or Biden. It would be my prayer that Trump is re-elected. Someone may ask why i would say that, well I will always go with someone who is Pro Life, he also recognized Jerusalem as the true capital of Israel. He also appointed conservatives to the Supreme Court, which is huge given the long tenure of a sitting judge. He is the only President in my life time that I have every heard use the name of Jesus Christ from the White House. The word of God tells us to pray for those in authority over us ( 1 Timothy 2:1-2 ) that we the children of God may have peace. He is somewhat a bully which I don't condone but do admire the fact that he will not allow someone to bully him. Again is he a model to follow, i would say no but do believe that God has place him in position to be a protector of the church in the sense that we states we should be allowed to gather to worship, while the other side says we shouldn't even be allow to sing in church.( state of California ) A type of Cyrus if you will, a heathen King which allow the children of God to rebuild their city, not only that but also financed the project.. So as Trump keeps the wolves at bay the church should be preparing herself for the bridegroom. God bless
Pastor Melvin
First I want to say thank you for your prayers over our President. I do agree with you that God is using him for such a time as this. So many times we pray for people that we like or agree with, but as you said God uses people who are not perfect and I fit that bill. ! Tim 2:1-3 states that we are to pray for all people, and our President is included in (all) people. So, I will continue with you and keep President Trump lifted in prayer. Who will join us? Please share you heart on this matter, our country need our prayers.
I believe that God has chosen Trump for such a time as this. I think God is using him and I have prayed for him more than any other President.
Has he been a perfect man? No and who did God ever use that was perfect?
If you only look at one thing.... look at his position on abortion. And there is your answer.
I couldn’t stand him during the election. I favored Ted Cruz but as time has gone on I see that he is the only one that could have endured the attacks from the left. I’ve watched him with people and I see that he is an encourager and that he loves people and this country. He volunteered to work for this country for free. He didn’t need this job. This country has been in a mess for a long time. He is making it better despite a virus. Never has there been such a choice between good and evil as the this and the last election.